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Invitation to create with 4enScrap - bookmark

 Hello back after vacation!

Hope you had a good one ;) I did, and actually work on documenting it but in beween there are some smaller projects I enjoy. As this one - invitation to create with Fati. 

She proposed us to create bookmarks. That gave me an idea what to make for my boy´s schoolmates for his birthday and I prepared some samples.

Even though they are not teenagers yet, they are slowly growing into this age and that is why I went for the stamp and die set "Ado". Of course, when making some samples for son, I had to make one also for the little one - for her, I also used "Duo Koala". ;)

The backround is in B+W to increase the contrast and attract attention of the little people. Pieces of black cardstock are cut by the newest "Zig zag border" die from Summer 2020 collection.

I diecut the bases of the bookarks using set "Marques ta page No 3". 

The "Shields" went well with the "cool" topic and the "Gingko leaves" softened the overall look, don´t you think? 

The next bookmark is lightened up by the yellow "Ears of wheat" and the "Clipborad et all" seemed like a good idea.

Hole enforcer  is from the set "Etiquettes No.6".

The last bookmark is the simplest. I just added a few tiny "Summer leaves" to her branch and that was it.

The pendant hangs on a pair of holes made using the tiny "Frames 9" dies.

How about you? Will you accept the invitation and create some bookmarks? Look forward to seeing them! For further inspiration look at the gorgeous bookmarks by Eva, Fati, Sandelsa, Cathy, Australe and Mary

Have a wonderful day!



  1. Beautiful creations for kids ! I love it !

  2. Ooooh ! You created some great bookmarks for the youngests Jana !
    I love all the little details you put on.
    Hugs xxx, Estelle.

    1. Thanks a lot, Estelle! Yes, the elder kid is quite a page turner, so he enjoys this kind of thing. And is always proud to bring paper petits for his schoolmates ;)



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