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Zobrazují se příspěvky z červen, 2020

Papercards.cz challenge 103.

Ahoj, chvilku tady bylo ticho, že? Trošku jsem se připravovala na prázdniny ... ty nemohou začít bez poslední předprázdninové challenge Papercards! Když jsem tvořila poslední paletu, vybrala jsem obrázek, který ve mě evokoval vzpomínky na prázdniny u babičky ... i když na první pohled není úplně letní, mrkněte na ta barvy - to půjde, ne? ;) Mé přání nakonec všemi barvami paletky nehraje, ale zůstaly pruhy v námořnické modré. Jelikož jsem neměla papír, který bych chtěla, namalovala jsem je akvarelkami Mungyo  - jsou dokonalé. Šablony a razítka jsou tentokrát od Simply Graphic . Zde ještě paletka pro úplnost a teď už šup na blog k Irisce , kde najdete víc informací o výhře, deadline a inspiraci od ostatních z DT. Za Papercards přeji krásné léto, ale doufám, že se tady ještě o prázdninách potkáme, plánuji tvořit dál ... ;) Krásný večer, Jana

Workshop Travellers´ Notebook with 4enScrap Summer 2020

Hello and welcome! It is my pleasure to show you today my Travellers´Notebook that I created by using this material: - 1 sheet of  kraft paper  (A4) - I always use the one from 4enScrap as it is solid and great for cover - 5 sheets od white paper (A4) - for basic pages  - printed papers - from both sets of actual collection - the large and the small one - transparent paper - vellum - stamps and dies - mainly from the Summer 2020 collection :   - stamp sets  Travel , Enjoy , Imminent Departure , Countryside   - dies Words Transparency , Etiquettes No. 6 , Frames 14 ,   Frames 13 , Geometric Transparency , Mill and Cie , Typewriter and Co , Summer leaves , Ginko leaves - other 4enScrap dies: Spring foliage , Fall leaves , Edelweiss , Heart Foliages , Hellebores    Choose whatever is close to your heart - any colors and themes. It is my goalto show you the main principles.   Other then the above mentioned you will aslo need: - 90 cm of twine - 4

Mega Invitation to Create with 4enScrap at its 8th Annievrsary

Hello! I am happy to invite you to a MEGA challenge ... hope you join us celebrating the 8th anniversary of 4enScrap. So happy this brand is here and that I am so privileged to share the  joy of creation with the Pink Ladies! Let´s look at what I have prepared for you! Here is my color combo: mint and white. :) Suitable for all kinds of occassions, don´t you think? And you might make use of some of new 4enScrap papers (and other products)! Here is your task - create a project od your choice in my color combo and post it on the 4enScrap blog under my picture by the end of June. I am looking forward to your creations. Meanwhile, let me show you my mint-white projects in detail. :) If you´ve followed me (at least since the end of last year) you probably know this Christmas card. I am so in love with the little bulb-row stamp! I also used the great winter branches and little pearls that are suitable everywhere. The next project is quite recent - the mini album &quo

Papercards.cz challenge 102.

Ahoj! Je skvělé, že jste nás ani s příchodem krásného počasí úplně neopustily a stále s námi tvoříte a tak je tu další paleta Papercards.cz ... snažila jsem se o letní barvičky a náladu, aby se nám všem dobře tvořilo. Mě paleta inspirovala k vytažení papírů z novějších kolekcí Alexandry Renke a jak jsem tak stříhala a vyřezávala, nezůstalo u jediného přání. Kromě kolibříka se na přání dostal i (jistě vynikající) koktejl a kytka z ráje :) Kromě Renke papírů jsem použila puzzle šablonu od Marianne a šablonu lístečků + dokonalá textová razítka Simply Graphic . Ale abych vás už víc nenapínala, zde je paletka ... ... a na blogu Irisky najdete všechny instrukce a další inspiraci. Těším se na vaše výtvory! Jana

4enScrap Preview of the Summer 2020 collection Day 5

Hello again! Hope you are already very eager to see the whole Summer 2020 collection in the 4enScrap e-shop . Well, just a moment, please, it will be there in no time! In the meantime, let me show you the last pieces of my set of Preview cards. :) Day 5 is devoted to Asia. The stamp set Temples and boudhas is so inspiring! I immediately had to use the circle border  for a garland ... and "hung some"  Lanternes d´Asie on it. The Feuilles de Ginko are sooo delicate!  You don´t need a lot to create a card well-suited for any celebration. ;)   The Buddha stamp called for coloring ;) I added the circle border one more time, Bambous die-cuts and a few dots and a Zen card was finished. The last card is less exotic. The bamboo branches and gingo leaves inspired me to create an ikebana - again perfect for many occasions. This time, I went for soothing mint and white color combo. Hope you are ready to start your own creating with this ne

4enScrap Preview of the Summer 2020 collection Day 4

Hello scrap girls! Welcome for the fourth time in the Summer 2020 season with 4enScrap! Today we present material with the Middle Eastern theme. I totally fell in love with the geometric character of the Cadres No. 14 ,  Transparence géométrique  and Pochoir orientale balanced by soft curves of the Mille et une nuits stamp set and coordinating Thé á la menthe die set.  All of these goodies reminded me of our summer vacation trip to Berat, Albania, so I made a layout about it. ;) Those who know my scrap have probabaly noticed, that I have an obssesion about 3D. So when the Trio of squares to customize came in the package, I immediately knew, I´d use one of them on a page. Pochoir orientale  is perfect for the background of any prject, don´t you think? And let me tell you, that transparance die is just perfect! Didn´t have enough time yet for creating some cards with it, but I surelly will!  Thank you for your visit and have fun with Fati , Mary

4enScrap Preview of the Summer 2020 collection Day 3

Hello! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! I certainly did and those of you that came to my blog again and commented made it even better! Thank you! Today it is my pleasure to present 4 cards I created using just another gorgeous portion of stamps and dies by 4enScrap - this time let me take you to Antique Greece with dies Colonne et Cie ,  Papyrus and Bordure Zig-Zag , and stamp sets Antiquité and Antiquité No. 2 (with coordinating dies). With Antiquité stamps, I didn´t know what to start with first- they are so inspiring and I just loved all the stamps and patterns. The little amphora got my heart. I made a little still life with it using also a column and a branch of papyrus. Thinking about Greece, gold somehow came to my mind and there was the color scheme! :) Gold zig-zag bordure made me happy. To give the card a bit more texture, I heatembossed a stamped stain with gold embossing powder. Next, I had to try out a composition using the great circular stamps w

4enScrap Preview of the Summer 2020 collection Day 2

Hello again! Thank you very much for your kind words yesterday! They mean a lot to me. :) Let us continue the Preview now with wonderful new dies and stapms perfect for documenting all kinds of travelling. With stamp sets Travel , Départ immédiat , Pages de carnet and Jolis souvenirs you can make traveller´s notebooks, mini albums, and pages  depending on what you want and need.  In addition to that, dies Cadres No.13 , Etiquettes No.6 , Travel , Grand ticket No. 2 and Words transparency make travel documenting fun and easy. No need to say that evereything is planned so it could be used for cardmaking as well. What do you get, when 5 memerokeepers and their kids spend 3 days together doing a lot of talking but also a great deal of fun stuff? Tons of (good) photos. That is why I didn´t get to scrap this event yet. But when I saw all the above mentioned products, I immediately knew I wanted to make a mini (finally! yes!) from that great weekend. The new collec

4enScrap Preview of the Summer 2020 collection Day 1

Hello! Are you ready for a journey? Then let us begin with the Traditionally, 4enScrap came up with wonderful material, so let us enjoy the first day of preview together. The great thing about this collection - besides its beauty and comlexity - is the fact, that a lot of material comes also in English version. Great news! Yay! For Day 1 I created 3 cards. The first one features fabulous Wild flowers stamp set with coordinating dies. The outline of the poppies is heatembossed with white embossing powder and coloured by watercolors. I used a phrase from the stamp set Enjoy  as sentiment and completed the bouquet by new Feuilles d´Eté  and some previous branches. Dots and beads are never a bad idea! For next card I used a beautiful stamp of a village from the Campagne set and again sentiments from Wild flowers and Enjoy sets. I chose not to color the stamp this time. Partialy because I am not so good in coloring but primarily because I think this way I let