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Zobrazují se příspěvky z srpen, 2020

Papercards.cz challenge 104

 Ahoj, ahoj!  Po prázdninách začínáme v Papercards.cz zostra - nabité novou kreativní energií jsme se rozhodly, že budou i sketche a první z nich vám přináší hned první zářijová challenge ...  Navíc jsme si řekly, že chceme i letos podpořit Nadaci pro onkoláčky formou přání k Vánocům a cheme jich získat hodně! Takže vám budeme až do Vánoc předkládat sketche, palety a inspirace s vánoční tematikou ... třeba vás také inspirují k tvorbě pár přání navíc, které pak pošlete k prodeji na jarmarku ...  Dost bylo řečí, zde je mé přání Zelený podkladový papír je od Renke , razítko kruhu i šablony z dílny Simply Graphic .  Sketch, podmínky, výhru a inspiraci od dalších členek DT najdete na Irisčině blogu jako obvykle.  Přeji vám co nejklidnější začátek září a moc doufám ve vysokou účast v challengi! Krásný den! Jana

Invitation to create with 4eScrap - sketch by Sandelsa

Hello scrapworld! Have you joined us last week or only plan to? Hope you do! Here I have another inspiration for you - an awesome sketch by Sandelsa.  I know it still is summer and really, I don´t think of Christmas too much yet, but this year I decided to start creating Christmas cards soon, so I have enough of them for an annual fair that raises money for a foundation supporting kids with oncologic diseases. And this sketch was perfect for it! I made two cards and went for my favourite Chrsitmas color combo - kraft, white and gold, with a tiny bit of vellum. ´Cause I haven´t taken an opportunity to use them yet, I really wanted to use the  mistletoe stamps  and  dies . As mistletoe usually hangs down, I decided to turn the schema upside down.  White embossing looks good on kraft, don´t you think?  The bouquet is supplemented by a  branch , which has become one of my top ones - it is great for all kinds of clusters. Sentiment is made by alphas I diecut with the newest word transparenc

Invitation to create with 4enScrap - bookmark

 Hello back after vacation! Hope you had a good one ;) I did, and actually work on documenting it but in beween there are some smaller projects I enjoy. As this one - invitation to create with Fati.  She proposed us to create bookmarks. That gave me an idea what to make for my boy´s schoolmates for his birthday and I prepared some samples. Even though they are not teenagers yet, they are slowly growing into this age and that is why I went for the stamp and die set "Ado" . Of course, when making some samples for son, I had to make one also for the little one - for her, I also used " Duo Koala " . ;) The backround is in B+W to increase the contrast and attract attention of the little people. Pieces of black cardstock are cut by the newest " Zig zag  border " die from Summer 2020 collection. I diecut the bases of the bookarks using set " Marques ta page No 3 ".  The " Shields " went well with the "cool" topic and the " Ging