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4enScrap - Promotion of Brittany

 Hello there!

This week there is a promotion of beautiful Brittany (and more summer) sets at 4enScrap. Don´t miss it, these are super beauties and, as the DT shows, also super versatile. 

Here is what you can now get at better price ;) To get to the products at the 4enScrap online shop, just click on the product you choose.

When I bought these sets two years ago, I didn´t really plan on using them for cardmaking. I always knew I wanted to use them to scrap our vacations. Thus, even though I haven´t been to Brittany yet, it was clear from the beginning that my project promoting the Brittany set would be scrapbooky.

So here is my page from our last year´s visit to Corfu - see, you don´t have to travell to Brittany to make use of it! ;)

As I have mentioned before, I usually document our vacations in traveller´s notebooks. That is why I went for this format. I used photos from our little cruise around the west coast of the island and the stamp of the boat was just perfect for my project.

So was blue printed paper PI 121. To enhance the boat theme, I added a die cut of rudder and anchor form this set and a ticket form the Travel leisure set.

To make Brittany stamp set look a bit Greek, I picked the little grahic vane stamp and repeated it in a line. I chose Memento Toffe Crunch ink to match kraft die cuts.

You can also get coordinating dies to die cut the cute seagulls (and the boat) wich I used to embellish the edge of the page. 

And this is it. Hope you guys take advantage of this great promotion offer and make some beautiful projects with it.

As this is my last project as a Creative Guest in 4enScrap design team, I want to thank you to have read my blog. I really apprecaite all your kind words that you have left in my articles.

It was so much fun, adventure, but most of all honor to create for this wonderful brand with its fantastic Pink DT! Thank you and have a good time creating!

I definitelly will with the new up-coming 4enScrap fall collection! ;)




  1. Bravo, Java !... C'est absolument magnifique !!!

  2. Oh my... that’s such a wonderful layout Jana!
    I so love the simplicity and the graphic scheme you used.
    I hope that one day you will go and visit my sweet home country! ��
    FYI: that you named «grahic vane» is actually a triskell (a Brittany and celtic sign)
    Hugs, xxxx

    1. Oh, Estelle, thank you very much! You have actually read the article, I am so gracious for that!
      Thank you for the new knowledge (feel like an ignorant a little) - I thought it would be something typical for Brittany, but didn´t have a clue about triskels. Now I know, thanks to you :)
      And oh yes, travelling to France is one of my dreams ... have only visited Paris so far (and LOOOOVED it), but I am sure there are hundereds of other gorgeous places in France!



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